Consulting Services Provided by Dr. Judith Meyers in Conjunction with the CCAI

Judith Meyers, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist licensed in the State of California. She is also an author, consultant and psychotherapist. Dr. Meyers is the co-author of the Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory (Kelley and Meyers, 1992).

Dr. Meyers has been an adviser to consulting firms throughout the country in developing services in the area of international assignments. She also assists companies in developing programs in the areas of selection and training in the use of the CCAI program.

Her consulting services in the cross-cultural field include: Pre-Departure Assessments and Screening; The International Executive Selection and Development System; and Executive Coaching.

Pre-Departure Assessments

  • Pre-departure assessments using the Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory (CCAI) for short-term and long-term assessment development and training
  • An individualized battery to assess a sojourner's readiness for departure

CCAI Self-Assessment and Training Program

This program is designed for use during the hiring and/or orientation process to assist potential employees in making an informed decision about working on global assignments. The program will:

  • Provide an opportunity for self-appraisal
  • Increase awareness of cross-cultural adaptability issues
  • Assist in establishing hiring criteria for global competency

It is recommended that individuals within the organization who interface with these designated employees be trained in the use and interpretation of the CCAI and related materials. This allows the CCAI results to be put into a meaningful context and accurately interpreted. This is accomplished through Train the Trainer sessions.

Short-Term Assignee Assessment and Development

This program is targeted to those individuals who are already selected and hired for a particular assignment, based on their technical competence and willingness to go to a foreign location. The goal of the program is to:

  • Prepare assignees for the cross-cultural experience
  • Identify potential risk factors
  • Meet with assignees to review a developmental plan with guidelines for skill development

It is assumed that short-term assignments do not involve spouses. Spousal issues would be dealt with on an individual basis.

The International Executive Selection and Development System

This program is targeted to international executives and their families. It is designed for the:

  • Assessment of those individuals preparing for a one- to five-year assignment
  • Selection and development of a global pool of candidates for a minimum of one year assignments

In recognizing the importance of the family to the overall success of the assignment, this program also involves spouses and prepares the family for the cross-cultural experience with culture-general and country-specific training.

The goals of the program are to encourage self-selection, identify potential risk factors associated with the premature termination of international assignments, and help executives develop the required global competencies needed to perform at a superior level. This program involves components of the aforementioned programs and is individualized to meet the goals of the organization.

The CCAI is the focus of the program, as it is quickly and easily administered on-line and computer-scored for immediate feedback. When combined with a diagnostic on-line battery, it will:

  • Provide an individualized picture of the candidates' adaptability skills
  • Provide a benchmark for achieving cross-cultural success

The knowledge obtained by the evaluation includes:

  • Can the individual adapt to new assignments and new cultures?
  • Is there sufficient tolerance for differences and frustration?
  • What aspects of their work or leadership style need to be modified to adapt to the country' s work norms?
  • What is the plan for success?

The components of the program are the following:

  • Identify the cross-cultural competencies and international work norms or skill sets that are needed for the successful completion of the assignment. This is accomplished by interviewing supervisors, managers and/or the human resource department. These are separate from their specific technical competencies
  • Distribution of any computerized tests where indicated
  • A structured interview is conducted, after which gaps between the requirements of the assignment and the assignee's cross-cultural adaptability and skill sets are identified
  • Obtain written permission of assignee to share final results with supervisor
  • Final meeting with assignee (1 to 2 hours) to review final developmental report with guidelines for skill development (using Action Planning Guide) and conduct an individualized training session using role playing, critical incidents (based on country of destination) and experiential exercises


Executive Coaching

  • Support is provided to business executives, spouses and other family members in regards to cross-cultural adaptability and emotional intelligence
  • Behavioral recommendations, based on the assessmen
  • Assessment of children and other family members to identify learning problems and other special needs that must be anticipated in the new culture
  • Individual, couple and family counseling- pre-departure or following relocation
  • Re-entry support for returning executives and their families


Other Services

Other services that are available include:

  • Support and information groups for the trailing spouse of the expat
  • Training and development programs for global business
  • Repatriation programs for the expats and their families, so as not to lose valuable expertise to the effects of "reverse culture shock" upon return
  • Inventories for diagnostic purposes are selected based on individualized needs

For up-to-date fee information, please call Dr. Meyers at (619) 294-6822 or you may submit an inquiry using this contact form.